C-rappy Cacophony

Friday, March 24, 2006


Just a thought!
Every blogger would accept this - 'At some point of time,he or she has been one of those comment crazy blogger,who checks almost every hour to see if anybody has left a comment,even if it were to be a silly smiley or a spamming comment'.

Infact there were times,when I used to be irritated by some comments,wherein there was no value being added to the blog or the audience.But nowadays,I guess the commentors(is that even word?) are striking back.I visit many good thematic blogs and I am surprised to find very few responses and acknowledging comments even on prominent and thought-provoking news items.

I wonder what the sudden change of heart of the commentor is due to?
Is it because the number of blogs have increased multifolds and once cant keep commenting in every one of them or because the process of commenting been made as difficult as possible with word verification,sentence verification,fingerprint identification and whatnot?
Whatever it is,it is a tad worrysome when you find that your blog has around 100 or 200 pagehits a day and the average length of time a viewer spends on the blog is atleast 2 or 3 minutes(which is what it would take to read 1 post of mine on an average),but still there is no feedback from the audience.

Not that it is going the deter anyone's mindset to blog,but it brings in a slight feeling of being taken for granted :).People(not necessarily me) write stuff breaking their brains and someone just gets to take a peek at it for free?
May be,its time for some prominent bloggers to experiment the system followed by some of the online file sharing forums -
'Only if you comment,thou shall be allowed to view the contents or download any files'
The difference in the case of blogs should be -
'Only if you comment relevantly to the previous post,thou shall be allowed to view the contents of this post'.

One part of the brain says - 'Being commentless/feedbackless is way better than getting those stupid
"I agree with you.Pls visit my blog at @#$$#@.blogspot.com" or
"you got a wonderful blog here.you may want to visit this site for 'loan consolidation'"

Posted by rajesh |

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