Friday, June 30, 2006
Short and sweet..Nothing major out there.Just the regular check-in counters;escalators and gates.Occasional eateries such as the Burger King/McD's.The place is clean and traffic free.The bookshops become a regular place to hang around with friends and click some parting snaps.
Los Angeles..
Messy and crowded..Hate the walk between the domestic and the international terminal.Loved the grass between the terminals though.Took a 1 hr break lying on the grass and gazing at the sky above continuosly being disturbed by flying planes.
The toilets were dirty and the terminal inside was crowded with people with a lot of diversity in terms of their nationality.
Singapore Changi..
Any flyer's paradise.Such a lovely aura surroundin the place.One never gets the feeling that ones in between a long journey.The internet kiosks and the well-lit shops just give a pleasant feeling.The places earmarked for resting are just so relaxin.No qualms about spending 17 hrs when its Changi.The bathrooms are equivalent to star Hotels'.Didn't venture into the prayer halls but the thought of it itself made me feel good.
Tokyo Narita..
Good enough airport.But the distinct smell all throughout the airport makes one feel dirty.Can't forget that stink even now.The shops and the coffee places are all damn expensive and not at all attractive.One just wishes that the 1 hr halt just speeds off in a few minutes.
Chennai ..
The dirtiest one..But yet the best one in terms of the feeling one gets looking at things which one has always been used to.The Nescafe outlet and the std/isd telephone booths and not to forget - near and dear ones waiting for more than an hour with anxious eyes looking at every passenger coming out of the exit,hoping it to be the one they wish is.
The feeling when meeting one's folks after a tiring journey is priceless.All the weariness and worries just vanish for a few minutes until the reality dawns that few of the bagages have not yet reached the destination!
Posted by rajesh | 

Thursday, June 29, 2006
One point of time..there was only time and only time.
One had lots of it that one was ready to even loan some of it.
There was nothing else..No money..No work..Nothing worthwhile to spend;
except the entity called time.
But things have changed..
There is everything now..
Loads of Money..Lots of work..Lots of commitments.
The only thing lacking is Time.
That time..
which could have been spent sitting and watching a movie with mom and dad at home..
which could have been spent going to a few temples and listening to stories from paati
which could have been used going around the market holding amma's hands..
which could have been used chatting with dear sister..
which could have been utilised to attend the closest friend's wedding..
which could have been spent nostalgically talking about good old college days..
is now being spent on stupid stuff benefitting everybody else except oneself and one's family and friends.
For the sake of name,everything else becomes namesake!
The quest for name and fame lets nothing remain the same &
I guess..Its all in the game.
There are somethings money can buy...
for everything else
Its actually not mastercard,
Its friends and family!
Why not live ones life a little than just exist?Is it that difficult?
Posted by rajesh | 

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
"Petrol velai yaeriduchu Saar!!" - Almost every auto driver screams this phrase everytime he demands an exorbitant sum for a journey.It is almost a given that the price that the autoguy first quotes is grossly over reported.
"Veyyil thaanga mudiiila paa" - The heat is unbearable and it almost feels as if ones in an oven.The humidity is at its peak making everyone sweat profusely.The deo/sprays have very little effect.
"Habba..enna kootampaa.." -Tnagar is always crowded and this being the marriage season,its jam packed.People are thronging the Pothy's/saravana stores as if things are being given for free.
"Gold vela aayiram rubaa per savaran..." - The demand for jewellery has not come down yet.Those shops are atleast good to take refuge from the scorching heat.The ladies accompanying us by default take 30 mins even if they were to buy just a small piece of ornament.
Some of the very obvious events at chennai...
But still,the city is lively and enjoyable!
Posted by rajesh | 

Sunday, June 11, 2006
I am currently in chennai for a wedding and would be here for the next week.
My contact number is 9443450155 in case you want to give me a call.
Catching up with old friends would be neat.So gimme a call asap.
Posted by rajesh | 

Monday, June 05, 2006
Happened to watch "Kanda Naal Mudhal" yesterday.I had heard that it was a good movie and had been for a long time, thinking of watching it.I really enjoyed the movie.The characters were all normal and not over-acting.The story,albiet being a repetition in tamil movies was very narrated.Laila seemed to do the role that she does well always and that is play the sweet,chubby,bubbly girl throughout the movie.Theres some dictinct different between her and other heroines.Almost all her characters in her movies seem to be kiddish,but this movie was interesting.
Prasanna plays the role of 'Krishna' with elan.He acted very well and almost carried the entire movie on his shoulders.The evam Karthik guy did his role of a supporting hero well.
Enjoyed the movie and I recommend it for anyone for a 1 time watch!
I also watched almost 1 hr of "Aadhi".!It was irritating.I have never liked Trisha and this movie showed how stupid she acts.She seems to smile when its a crying scene or emote too much for nothing.
Vijay seems to be repetitive with his performances.Manivannan was plain stupid and irritating.
Watched a few more movies..
Failure to launch - It was an okay movie with good performance from Matthew McConaughey.Sarah Jessica Parker seemed to have done her 'sex and the city' role in the movie.She looks old and jaded.
Posted by rajesh | 

Thursday, June 01, 2006
IBNLive : No way out: Private sector has to implement quota says Meira kumar...
Day by day something new and shitty seems to crop up in India.I wonder what the MNCs feel about this.Already the junta in U.S bitch about sub-standard Indian call centres;added to that OBC/SC/ST-BPO!
Wow..That should be interesting!
The supreme court has finally shut the protesting doctors' mouths.I woner if those judges are themselves the priviledged class people!Indian politicians are turning out to be the modern day Nazis,openly advocating favoritism towards certain groups of people based on no real measure of merit or economic status,but just by the basis of some certificate,which more than often is not at all genuine.
p.s:For all those anons who are gonna give lotsa crap in my comments section - Go ahead! I seriously don't give a damn!
Posted by rajesh | 
