With laptops exploding left and right,how long is it going to take for the airport authorities to ban laptops from being taken inside an aircraft.May be they could install checks around security screens looking for 'Dell' laptops with Sony batteries.
NY Times has an article about business travellers annoyed about the idea of banning laptops on aircrafts.Did these guys take even a few seconds to think of the repurcussions of an exploding laptop inside the aeroplane?
Do they have fire extinguishers inside planes?
I have been reading a lot of stories about exploding laptops.One of the stories was about how 2 guys lost their grandpa's truck when the explosives that they had on the truck exploded when a dell laptop provided the necessary sparks.Another latest story was how a guy's house was completely burnt down supposedly due to the laptop which lay on his couch giving out fumes.
I am only reminded of the good old advice that I often get from my parents...
"Be careful with fire.Don't go near burning stuff!"
Posted by rajesh |
Did these guys take even a few seconds to think of the repurcussions of an exploding laptop inside the aeroplane?
They should probably worry 1000 times more about their laptops getting stolen because that is the statistical relationship between the theft and burning up of laptions.
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