C-rappy Cacophony

Friday, August 04, 2006

When does one blog?

Its funny I never had to think about this before.I used to blog whenever I wanted and from wherever I was,when I felt like blogging.
But nowadays,I don't feel like blogging from home nor from work.More than the feeling,its the paucity of time on my side that blogging needs.There is also this diminishing urge to express any personal view.

Previously these were my most "blogged" occasions of the week.
-On any evening between 7 to 11 pm when I used to sit in front of the Computer,watching/listening occasionally to whatever was on TV.
-On saturday and Sunday mornings,when there was nothing much even on TV and all I had to do was just day dream about anything on earth and capture part of it in my blog.
-Friday afternoons at work,just like now,when the whole office went silent from people who'd already gone into the weekend mood and I had no emails or tasks requiring my attention.
-At times it used to be instantaneously when I find something very interesting.I would not bother to note if it is a monday morning busy office time or if it was a friend's place where I'd come for dinner.

What abt nowadays?
-On any evening between 7 to 11 pm,I still sit in front of the computer,but watch TV more than browse through the internet.
-On saturday and Sunday mornings,its become more of household chores and chattin/calling folks in India or some random activity such as going to the temple or the mall.
-Friday afternoons at work:I still don't hear much voices around my cube,but I spend time working on some random stuff and surfing around Inquirer/marketwatch for most of the time.
-The instantaneoous urge to blog has died down.The question arises as to who is this going to benefit and is thw world going to change if I don't blog this?

The anonimity that was my favorite part of blogging has pretty much vanished and I guess its time for setting up a new bloger id and start from the beginning writing anything and everything that came to mind,without thinking too much about the consequence of whatever being written.


Posted by rajesh |

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