Its a bliss!No breaks for silly ads ,but just continuous Tamil music from all ages!
It saves me the pain of overhearing irrelevant stuff being spoken around my cube.
I used to think that listening to music might distract one from doing any meaningful work.But then continuous listening makes that feeling go away and it has become some kind of a habit to listen to music while working.
I know of a friend who used to listen to music based on how important his work was.Funny guy that he was,he was caught listening to 'Kandha sashti Kavasam' in his headphones and the reason he gave was that he had a deadline to meet in an hour and that he was afraid of what would happen if he didn't get the the job done! :)
Another extreme case of continuous headphone listening stuff was that of a Quixtar guy in our university who was always found listening to something out of his tape-recorder.One of our guys got curious about this and checked what that cassette contained and was bewildered to find that it had nothing but continuous recording of that person's own voice repeating the words "I will become a millionaire by 2010" or something to that sort! Thats craziness personified!
Posted by rajesh |
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