C-rappy Cacophony

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


IPHONE OLD vs. NEW COMPARISON (GIF Image, 649x679 pixels)

This article in WSJ talks in simple terms the hidden costs associated with the widely advertised lower cost newer Iphone that is going to get released to public at the end of this week.It comes close to suggesting that one shouldn't just jump on to this new deal.But who's going to listen?

Cellphone, Internet and cable TV services really make a killing and drain a substantial sum of money from the monthly paycheck with all the hidden costs.
Coming to think of it,I think I pay something like 250$ for just these 3 services,which over a period of 2 years which is typically the contract period is around 6000$.Now that is really a mind boggling sum for just these 3 services.I don't own a homephone and thus am avoding another 50$ of expense each month.

One needs to be wary of these new gizmos and the hidden agenda behind these gimmicks.


Posted by rajesh |

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