Well.Its been the same since year 2000 since I came to the US, the only change this time being that we had some friends at home and went out for dinner.Also, shwetha made it a little interesting by making ribbon pakodas.
The TV programs seem to suck big time.The faces of Vadivelu,Karunas and other uninteresting individuals don't seem to cheer anyone up.Very irritating programs all throughout the day.Gone are the days when it used to be really great with a Rajni/Kamal movie releasing or a barrage of interesting new movie songs coming out on the day of diwali.Also , isn't there no one else to conduct pattimandrams other than solomon papaiya and his oft repeated crew of individuals? That program really makes every occasion seem the same and not worthy of remembering anything in particular.
Diwali 2008 - RIP.
Posted by rajesh |
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