C-rappy Cacophony

Monday, May 05, 2003

Today was an usual day..
Get up at 7.35 A.M when the alarm snoozes for the second time...go thro the boring coffee-making procedure and then as the coffee maker's making the bubbling sound I try to match it with a gargling sound as I brush my teeth..
Then get on to the THE best stimulant on earth - coffee ,which helps to relieve some of my wieght that I've gathered from the previous day!!
Jus as all the calls from nature are attended meticulously,the watch on the wash basin reads 7.50 A.M..Its time to show water to all parts of my body and then jump on into my so-called car to race towards the so-called place of work wer i spend the next 8 hrs..
Its amazing to realise that I did all this within a span of 25 mins-a little more than what an hr of a megaserial on Sun TV actually has to offer per episode..!
Speaking of TV,the american televisions are going haywire without any direction ..The so-called REALITY TV SHOWS sucks hard time...Monica lewinsky hosting a show where the guys wear stupid masks and the bitches get to flirt with them..Thats the worst television show idea anyone could have tried to come up with...With lewinsky ready to show up on television they could have used her for some kinda anti-CIGAR campaign..Well the fact that American's like Cigars which were in Lewinsky's possession bears no coincidence to my point above.
Then comes the American Idol.The show which should have been over last season is still being dragged to extend over even to the next season..The parallel show involving kids is much better than the crap that the American idol relays .
Oh...America..what a waste of time and lack of sanity!!.Sometimes I enjoy watching the TV when its powered off than when it is on !!

Posted by rajesh |

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