C-rappy Cacophony

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Know your English!!

I used to note down any new words that I came across in a small personal diary.But I seem to have lost that habit down the years.I came across this word and felt why not start collecting such stuff in my blog.It would educate me now & then and also my fellow blogger friends.So here it is..
Meaning:"The study of elections and voting, and their statistical
analysis in the prediction of results."

When we used to study the wordlist for GRE,my friends and I used to create small hints asociated with difficult words just to help us figure out the meaning later.
For this word,this is the logic I am going to use to remember it later.It may sound funny/idiotic but I don't care abt it until it works and serves the purpose later!!
psephology (see-FOL-uh-jee)...The 'logy' part of the word definitely says it a study of something.Now ,the set of small words in brackets is the pronunciation of the word..which is something like..
"SEE..FOLLOW..JI" which loosely can be interpreted as someone asking us to SEE something(prediction of his),FOLLOW JI(asking us to follow a leader ~ politics/party).I guess that should be enough to ring a bell!
I am sure many of us remember so many difficult words by some weird manipulation of its letters/sounds etc.My college friends used to get baffled by my explanations and clues for the words!

Posted by rajesh |

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