C-rappy Cacophony

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


How I wish our memories were EPROMS!
The one which could be erased and programmed based on personal preference!

Certain events leave a sizeable void in one's life and events subsequent to those,even loosely related to the earlier happening,bring in the feel of gloom and macabre feeling all through the life!I stand perplexed by the dynamics of life where there is no question of anything remaining stable!

As I write this ,I feel sad for the families and friends of a junior of mine,PJ who perished in a drowning accident last weekend.My mind refuses not to relive the tragic sequence of yet another friend KK,crying frantically for help from the evil waters,eventually succumbing to destiny,in a similar fashion, 2 years ago.
It seems cruel and puts everyone in a state of denial for a very long time to come,when the questions arise time and again..
'Did these guys deserve it?Everything that they toiled for...Was it for such an unjustifiable end?'

I really wish the families of these unlucky individuals came out of their agony as soon as possible.It lies in the hands of the friends and relatives to empathise with the families and help them get over it to some extent by sharing their sorrows at this time of unfathomable grief!

As I dedicate this blog in the memory of KK and PJ,I would like to make an humble request which I made 2 years ago!
Life is in itself a very short span of time to make full use of it.It makes no sense to cut it short abruptly in the quest for ephemeral excitement!The eternal sorrow to the friends and families stand testimony for the injustice and vouch for staying away from unnecessary adventures and risks!I hope this thought springs up in the minds of my blog readers,the next time when they plan to take an unnecessary dive into the lake or about to plunge as a sky-diver out of a plane!

How I wish our memories were EPROMS!


Posted by rajesh |

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