C-rappy Cacophony

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Hindu crossword 8060

Today germany and quarter seem to have been used quite a lot of times in the
clue.Definitely a different clue setter than the past few days..was
kindaa difficult..
I think only 1 answer remains..

1 Odds point copper tardy to take risks for gains (9) speculates =
e((point = east which gives 'e')+Ps(odds = P's -probabilities)

6 So modern in retrospect was this city of iniquity (5) so+dom(modern returns)

9 To take possession, rent quarter by arrangement (5) enter
rent+e(eastern quarter)

10 Angry blow one does not have to face (5,4) cross wind..cross(angry)

11 Have a game in court? Drama's put down (4,6) play squash

12 Secret connivance made to get money for a patch of ground (4)
plot(double definition)

14 Smoke out revolutionary root (7) CHEROOT ,which is
CHE(revolutionary Che Guevara)+root =cheroot used in cigars..

15 Ministrant has vehicle to take in rest possibly (7) servant ...rest
+ van anagram

17 Those with high values are to meet at quarter, to retire on Sunday
(7) esteems ..SE(SOUTHEAST which is a quarter)+meet+S(unday) anagram

19 Six went to site at Germany for professional inspection (7)

20 Proceeds, to play partly, a Japanese game (4) goes(go is japanese
game ..es??)

22 Ole charcoal burner pushed into an early spot of retirement (7,3)
warming pan = bedwarmer(retirement refers to sleep/bed?)

25 Poor beggar! He's unable to better himself (9) mend+i+can't =mendicant

26 Relieved that each was given quarter at Germany (5) ea+se+d = eased

27 Requirements seen around for daughter (5) needs = seen+d(daughter) anagram

28 Refuses to sanction transposition, so laid low on ship (9)
disallows ..so laid low anagram


1 Get into the arms of Morpheus (5) sleep (phrase..morphine..does it
come from the same root?)
2 He is sociable, but exceptionally green (9) extra+vert(green..as in verdigris)

3 Left in its original state an international body made good (10) un+restored

4 Bill's story (7) ACCOUNT ..double defn

5 Exceptionally self-conscious people (7) egoists

6 Has on direction newly made sliding frame for window (4)
sash..s(direction south)+has anagram

7 An exercise, by repeated practice, doctor has for the sick (5) dr+ill =drill

8 `E admitted improper thought (9) MEDITATED = E ADMITTED ANAGRAM

13 If I get time I'll have to go there! (6,4) PRISON CELL (To do time)

14 Minister those who have been ordained by the human race (9) clergy+man

16 Points at a new appetizer (9) antipasta (points at a) anagram

18 Hospital room facing the ocean (7) sea+ward

19 Matter ejected with violence (7) vomitus

21 Irene turns to him (5) ernie

23 Intersection points in a branching system (5) nodes

24 Light touch a moving billiard ball gives to another (4) kiss

Posted by rajesh |

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