C-rappy Cacophony

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Im'blog'lio - Part 2

Oru blogicae illaama pesaadhe...thundered Kavitha with a giggle hinting that she didn't believe what her hubby Sri had just uttered...

Yeah,that had become the event of the decade,when Sri had done something that had never been attempted in the history of blogging.He had managed to leverage the full potential of the world of blogs and its diehard fans,when he proposed to Kavitha through a posting on his blog,seeking the blogger junta to vote on his webiste and thereby cajole Kavitha into accepting his proposal.That post created enough havoc in the online world that CNN and google news websites carried their matrimony as a headline news.

It was their first year anniversary and that was the setting which created the Im'blog'lio leading to Kavitha shouting..
'Oru Blogicae illaamae pesaadhe...'

Kavi had passionately asked Sri,
'Deii..Purushangaara..What gift do you want from me for out first anniv huh??'

Sri latched on to the opportunity and burst out..
"You need to STOP BLOGGING!"
'No ..I am not kidding Kavi..'If there is something that is within your scope of offering me and if you are thinking of a gift for our anniversary,it should be it - You need to STOP BLOGGING!

Kavi stared at Sri with a frozen smile which slowly faded into a sad face as she slowly said..'Whaaaat??You are kidding right?'

The very basis for their union,which was Sri's sincere admiration for Kavitha's style of writing and thoughts about life,had slowly started to take a toll on their relationship.

Sri began his short lecture which lead into a heated argument later...
'See..Kavi..I agree I liked you for your frankness and candid expression of your thoughts on anything and everything in a common man's life..
But then,I think its gone too far now..'

'What?Come on Sri..Please ..Okay..Give me some instances..' whispered Kavi..

'Instances???Oh cmon Kavi..which one do I say??
Okay..lets start with your last week's blog - Blogainvillea-The flowers in my Garden called Life'

'What about that?I thought it was a nice write-up..Do you know I got 156 comments for that?'

'Oh cmon..156 comments? hahahaa....If it is a female blogger,anyone and everyone comments.Stupid workless people..They just comment without even reading the blog.All those drooling jollu idiots...I hate those guys..
Anyways now coming to the point..That post which started as a description of our family members slowly branched into too much details and What was that cheeky joke about my mom being a strict Mother-in-law??huh??'

Upon hearing Sri's words about her blog's comments,Kavi automatically started crying and the rest of the lecture didn't even strike her as she blurted..

'Sorry da Sri..I never knew it hurt you this much..'

'Oh who needs your sorry??
I had liked you when you frankly admitted that you had a love affair before and that your families opposed it leading to the break-up..
But then,repeatedly blogging about your past lover..Thats disgusting you know?
I sometimes get a doubt..Have you really forgotten him or not?What are trying to say with those blogs??They are 'diablogical' in your style of high fundae speaking!!

'Oh..I was just trying to rest my past and go forward.They were just a reflection of my old memories.Cmon..Please don't continue..I can't stand it.'

'No..Since I have started speaking about it.let me finish it..
The next door neighbour..That stupid voyeur geeky computer guy..He had the audacity to ask me about that funny incident on our honeymoon..

The mini-Walmart cashier joked at me for adding salt instead of sugar in coffee yesterday..

and one of my colleagues..You know he joked about the number of times we had sex last week?'

Oh this is ridiculous..There are certain things that need to stay indoors..There is more to life than just blogs and those sweet comments!
You got to understand it!

'Okay..I get it..forget it..I went overboard with the virtual world of blogs..I just need you..I promise ..No more Blogarithms or diablogues or anything associated with Blogs okay?'

'Okay..Sorry da chellam...lets forget this whole diablogue Okay;)' quipped Sri as he logged into his blog to write about the new Casio Keyboard that had hit the market!


Posted by rajesh |

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