C-rappy Cacophony

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Meme and tags...

Disclaimer:I am not trying to be a moron here.Jus whatever I feel on the issue..
There are 3 reasons for this post..
1)I have been tagged by 2 bloggers to come out with my experiences with books and I need to respect their efforts and salute them for the same.
2)I have a confession to make regarding the whole book reading habit.
3)What I feel of this sudden craze in the suddenly over-populated world of blogs..

1)Thanks to Dumbs and Deepa for picking me and being interested to know my likes when it comes to book reading.I sincerely salute thee for the same,but I am sorry to disappoint you.

2)The confession I have to make is...I am not an avid book reader,rather leave the avid part;I am not even an occasional reader!
Somehow I get intimidated when I see those 200 or 300 pages tomes and never have had the courage to sit through the gruelling phase of reading them through.
The last few books that I remember reading cover to cover were the tintin/tinkle back in the high school days,not to forget the compulsory read of non-detailed texts,again during high school!
I do remember reading a few sydney sheldon novels when at college,but really wasn't that interested in them that I don't even remember their names now.

3)Meme and Tags..'Frankly Honey..I don't give a damn'
hmm..just a sudden gush of wind which surprisingly is taking the blog world by storm!But then the sudden glut of these tags makes the blogs of the current weeks very boring!Seriously I don't give a damn as to what another blogger likes to read or what 3 things another blogger likes to eat or what 3 movies another blogger likes to watch and the least important thing is the 3 names that he or she is called as!
It reminds me of those 'Lord Venkateshwara Blessing forwards' which cluttered the network unnecessarily.The same goes with the current series of tags and meme blogs!
So,I refuse to pass on this tag or meme!


Posted by rajesh |

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