I was bewildered to see the blog world's attention to the recent release of 'Thiruvasagam' in symphony!Quite baffling was the praises being showered on the maestro that it kind of sounded as if Ilayaraja had written the whole thing himself!Nobody spoke of the original writer of the verses and gave credits to his mind-boggling work!
Hence,I have come up with an attempt to bring to light the creator of Thiruvasagam - Manikkavasagar!
Here is everything you wanted to know about Manikkavasagar and Thiruvasagam:
1)The story of Manikkavasagar !
Did you know that the real name of Manikkavasagar was Vadhavoorar
2)Thiruvasakam is available in tamil in pdf format as 2 parts on the web.
Part 1
Part 2
3)The English translation is available here and here
4)Interesting story from an article written in 1980:
"How Man got the groove in his back?"
5)Listened to Ilayaraja's composition of Manikavasagar's Thiruvasagam in symphony!It was wonderful indeed!Was reminded of the soft music from the movie 'Avathaaram'!
Posted by rajesh |
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For heaven's sake, do not blame Raaja for others not appreciating Manikavasagar's ingenuity. Raaja did his job and the listeners are ignorant or negligent of the writer. That's not Raaja's fault!!
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