C-rappy Cacophony

Monday, June 27, 2005

Whats a Jikku??

We all know what a Haiku means..
A short poem which conveys a lot of emotions..

On the same lines,in the blog world,I would like to come with the word 'Jikku',referring to any short write-up spanning a couple of lines,which conveys much more than one can fathom.
Want to read some excellent mind-boggling examples?
Go to ammani's page

Heres one such attempt from me..

'She once wrote a 1000 word essay,but intentionally left the ending abruptly to the reader's imagination.Nobody liked it and called it a shit story!
Later just a 2 line write-up,which due to lack of time/motivation, was unintentionally left abruptly.But those few words were packed with a million emotions and the rest is history..rather Herstory!'


Posted by rajesh |

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