C-rappy Cacophony

Monday, December 08, 2003

does dough matter?

Oflate I ve been feeling disgusted due to so many instances where money was given more importance than what it deserved.People I know have been going ga-ga over silly instances involving money and when i raise an alarm against it,they ridicule me citing my history of being a skinflint when I was in college.The reason I was a miser at college was that I am basically brought up that way and I had a miserable feeling of enjoying with someone's hardwork.It hit me hard emotionally to enjoy lavishly with something I had no part in acquiring.
I seriously was moved by an instance where one of my friends decided about his spouse's education based upon his present monetary status.I find it so ridiculous that I dont want to talk abt it.
No one realises the fact that money is just an entity created by human.Whether I have money or not,I am going to stay the same person.Just because I have enough dough to buy a store now,I wouldn't do the act.
What I am trying to convey is..Money is a non-entity and should not be considered on par with human emotions.At the same time,one should not neglect it and act foolishly.
Though money is trivial,it does make sense when a person uses his brains to judiciously spend it.It is definitely a nonsensical act to buy two "1/2 inch" sandwiches for a higher cost when you could the same stuff as a "footlong" for a cheaper price.Similarly,it is definitely a good idea to go a for a deal/sale rather than buying at full cost.
How I wish God changed the perspective of many humans abt money or atleast added a few million $$ to the body when he sent us into the earth.

Posted by rajesh |

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