C-rappy Cacophony

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

JanuWorries & FebraWorries

It has been a boring series of months,in the sense that nothing eventful/interesting has been happening.Even few of the memorable happenings have not been pleasant enough to remember and quote.The impending worry about the future and never-ending worries about the loneliness continues to haunt.I realise that the title of this blog is kinda too exagerrating.I am not that worried as it sounds.But then, I feel its better to have a few of them and be involved in tackling them than have an empty mind and cry over being idle.
I remember having read somewhere something on the lines -"There is no reason not to be happy in life" which I interpret as "There is every reason for me to be cheerful and stop worrying unnecessarily!"
Here are some random thoughts that are cruising through my mind this instant:
****This month is the much awaited month when one of my best friends(my best find in life,I could say)is getting married.I wish this person all the very best!Although this is no time to complain/worry,there is a small tinge of sadness being away from the memorable occasion and also a sudden feeling of losing that person(Getting out of touch..I mean).Although many people deny it,it is definitely true that a person cannot maintain the same proximity with friends once he or she gets into wedlock.I have experienced this exact pattern many times in the recent years and this one gets added to that list!
****My sweet sister had her 21st birthday this week.It was a delight calling her and wishing her.Whenever I speak to her,I am filled with pleasant nostalgic memories of the wonderful times we have spent all through the years.
****The stock markets are kinda taking a strong beating.They are trying to make a fast retreat southwards from the elevations that they attained due to the crazy holiday mood in Nov/Dec.
****The companies are slowly starting to recruit and it seems to be a good sign hearing some of my friends talking about their interview calls and job offers.My company AMD also seems to be on a recruiting spree which is kinda surprising.
****I just realised that it has been a long time since I have attended any function or festival.When in India,there was always some known person's kalyanam or grahapravesham stuff and even they were not happening,there was always a diwali/pongal or one of those 'jayanthis'(Krishna/Hanumar/Mahatma...).Terribly missing the fun!

Posted by rajesh |

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