C-rappy Cacophony

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Old habits Die Hard...
I used to think a few years ago that the last minute rushing up to get things done before the deadline,will eventually stop when I come out of the student mould,but then I have proved myself wrong yet again.The day after is the last day to file income taxes for last year and here I am still wondering what form I need to file and how I need to report my capital loss and stuff.This is exactly the same time last year ,that I made a decision not to prolong my tax filing process till the deadline but laziness factor beats everything else.Procrastination is like my twin sibling,who was born with me and lived amicably along with me.
My thoughts abt Blogging are coming true...
I wrote a few days ago about the lackadaisical approach shown by fellow blogging junta towards this blogging phenomenon.My visit to the regular blog sites corroborates my claim.People seem to have lost interest in the random scribbling and the quality of whatever-existing blogs seem to have taken a huge beating.
"They never gave us their itinerary.."
It was irritating to hear Ms.Rice testify before the 9-11 commision about what they knew of the then impending attacks on the U.S by the terrorists.Her comment that they had details about terrorist attacks involving planes/hijacking/airport etc around the first week of september but did not know that the planes could be used as missiles,seemed too insane.I really didnt understand what she was trying to prove.The next time..does she want the terrorists to send her their itinerary and detailed blueprint of their attack plans?Cmon..don't Bush-shit us!!
The next guy who asks me this question when I walk down the aisle,is really going to get a feel of my troubled mind.Both of us know that we don't give a shit as to how the other person is doing and yet the customary question of 'Hovzitgoin?/Hovyudoin?' pops up almost instantly.My mouth never stumbles or hesitates to answer him with the "Priteeegued!" smirk on my face.I am just wondering how interesting it would turn out if I held on to the guy who asked the question and explain all my problems and worries for the next hr..
Wish'U' happy Vishu...
Its yet another year in the tamil/Malayali calendar thats passed by.Yet it makes no difference to us lonely unconcerned,despicable spirits away from family and friends,grazing through the so-called greener pastures and crying over the harsh reality upon realising that what seemed like green grass from yonder is actually american 'Holy Cow' dung!The last four years has taken me away from the warmth of the meaningful enjoyable civilisation that I used to be a part of,when I stayed with my near and dear ones.All that is left now to live and socialise is the Reality TV crazy U.S junta and their sense of socialising filled with loads and loads of artificiality.
Thats all folks..

Posted by rajesh |

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