C-rappy Cacophony

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Low Hanging fruits!

Most ambiguous of all relationships,in my opinion,is Friendship!
Never know where we are,when it comes to friends.
Is it at the start of an ever-lasting phase or middle of a steady association or at the brink of extinction of a so-so acquaintance!Is it the ever available commodity/readily breakable bond kind of traits of friendship that tends to make it so volatile and uncertain?
When I grossly categorise as friends,I need to make sure I dont include the chosen few - who no matter,what transpires hang on till the end,in the most resolute manner making them on par with a sibling/close family member.

There are some of those friends,who don't really invest any time or attention towards keeping the friendship engine oiled,but are always existing silently in the background ready to extend their hands of comfort and solace,when need arises.These are the ones,which don't expect much from us and vice versa,and hence really don't deserve to be complained about too.It is just that the circumstances did not allow them to actively keep in touch.If not for the inexplainable situations,they would have definitely kept in touch and would have always been happy to be associated with us.

But as it pertains to the current trend of fast-food/Use n throw mode of life,friendship also seems to have those low hanging fruits,which in majority of the cases,prosper for a very short period of time,waiting for the next opportunity to fall.The sudden acquaintances from work,blogs,chat/emails fall into this category wherein a bond is made with almost no idea about the individual at the other end.The initial hook-up takes place solely based on the belief that the other person would be a compatible person of the same frequency.No investment in terms of genuine feelings or trust is made in such cases until it has been thoroughly established beyond doubt that the virtual person at the other end of the phone or the computer is indeed a real person who could be banked with any amount of even the most remotest of personal information about oneself.

It is highly rare for such relationships to build into the ones which make a mark in one's life,but then the slow and steady pace at which it develops lends the much needed time to understand and establish a bond.It is the same slowness in pace and virtuality aspect that makes it an easy affair to conveniently forget a significant number of such hastily acquired friends.

As I look back into the last few years of my life,I find it hard to believe that the majority of the folks,whom I consider as friends today have mushroomed in the last few years from the last category -the low hanging fruits!Is it a healthy trend - I am really not able to comprehend!


Posted by rajesh |

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